When America Turns 250, Joe Daniels L’98 Will Be Leading the Observance
It was a galvanizing moment for the country and for Daniels, launching him into what he calls “patriotic philanthropy.” Before long, he led the effort, as President and Chief Executive Officer, to build the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. Following that multiyear project, Daniels served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Texas-based National Medal of Honor Museum, spearheading the effort to create the United States’ first-ever institution dedicated to preserving the legacies of the recipients of the country’s highest award for valor in combat.
And now, he’s poised to tackle another extremely challenging project: He’s been named President and CEO of the America250 Foundation. As such, he’s charged with organizing a rousing and meaningful commemoration in 2026 that, as the announcement of his appointment noted, will “unleash the American spirit” and “demonstrate the lasting durability” of America. Tall order.
But Daniels is confident he can pull it off, given his experience working with diverse stakeholders, bridging political differences, and overcoming logistical hurdles to erect a magnificent tribute to 9/11 in New York.
And Daniels has a master plan in mind for his new enterprise. He wants to create 50 state commissions, enlist federal agencies, and seek public input through town halls all over the country. He’s got four-and-a-half years and counting.